[TRLog] Minimum PC requirements for TRLOG

Mike W4EF@dellroy.com
Tue, 27 Nov 2001 23:22:41 -0800

I make a DOS boot floppy for the P-133 over at W6UE and
let the machine boot up in DOS mode. TRlog seems to run
just fine in this configuration. Running from a DOS window 
under WIN98 always seems to produce strange results 
(sluggish performance, keyer hiccups, etc). At home, for 
CW SS and Phone SS, I just restarted my P-133 x Win98
machine in MS-DOS mode. This also worked fine even
with SBDVP running during the phone contest. 

On the 486-66 in the main operating position at W6UE, 
I turned on SMARTDRV per Dave's suggestion. This
seemed to cure all the disc related hesitation on this slower
machine. The P-133's don't seem to need it though.

73 de Mike, W4EF................ 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David O Hachadorian" <k6ll@juno.com>
To: <trlog@contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 4:12 AM
Subject: Re: [TRLog] Minimum PC requirements for TRLOG

> My usual fix for this, using WIN 95 DOS, or real 6.2 DOS,
> is to load a disk write-cache utility prior to starting TR.
> The one I use is SMARTDRV, which is in the DOS 6.2 files,
> and is somewhere in the Windows 95 files. The syntax is to
> type the following at the DOS prompt, prior to starting TR:
> Where C is the name of the hard drive. The plus enables the
> computer to do other things while the data to be written to
> the hard drive is cached for a brief period.
> It was stated on this reflector recently that SMARTDRV is not
> provided with WIN 98. I don't know if that is correct, or if 
> the WIN 95 version of SMARTDRV will work with WIN 98, but you
> could try.
> Another possible alternative is to try running TR in a DOS Window
> under WIN 98, where WIN 98 will manage the cache.
> I saw Doc Evans' subsequent post on this subject, and his problem
> could be
> addressed in the same way, but Doc is a nonbeliever in disk
> write-caching, and has put a caution in the manual against running
> one. On the other hand, I have used one successfully for years on
> a multitude of machines, all slower than yours, at home and as a
> guest op.
> Dave Hachadorian, K6LL
> Yuma, AZ
> K6LL@juno.com
> On Mon, 26 Nov 2001 08:23:22 -0600 "Rich Beckwith" <wn0x@earthlink.net>
> writes:
> > 
> > It may have something to do with the way TR hits the disk during 
> > these
> > operations.
> > 
> > In S&P when I hit <enter> I hear a lot of disk chattering at the 
> > same time
> > that it is sending my call.  It will usually delay on the first 
> > character.
> > After I enter the exchange and hit <enter> I here the disk chatter 
> > again and
> > it will stall at various times during the exchange.  Slow disk 
> > drive?
> --
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