[TRLog] footswitch and next bandmap

kl7ra kl7ra@blizzard.gcgo.nasa.gov
Thu, 4 Oct 2001 11:40:02 -0800

Someone please double check me but "next bandmap" option
for the foot switch doesn't work. I'm using 6.58 and checked
6.54 with no luck. All other foot switch features work.

I will go back in the update notes and see where we lost this,
I'm pretty sure it worked at one time. 

Most of the ops prefer VOX and I was thinking of using the 
foot switch for something useful in a SSB contest. This is
the kind of things you think about when the station is 100% 
ready for the big one.

How about  this for a feature:

Cycling cq's when you see a happy face pop up in the band
map. Push footswitch which dumps you to s/p and loads the
bandmap entry. 

73 Rich KL7RA 

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