[TRLog] TR 6.59 why "I" to increment??

kl7ra kl7ra@blizzard.gcgo.nasa.gov
Tue, 16 Oct 2001 08:14:28 -0800

>> Wasn't the Alt-I there already, since years??
>Yeah - but someone (I think they live in Alaska) wanted I to work as well.


What we asked for was to be able to change the outbound serial number 
not the serial number in the exchange line. 

At one time we thought this would be useful for Multi-single in the WPX 
when using non-networked PC's. 

As I recall it was not trivial programming to allow this, and you would have
to think about it. 

But how about this:
Sunday morning doing the F1 trick and the bandmap is full (show everything)
push the foot switch (next mult) and mode goes to s/p, bandmap shows mults 
only (new feature) and first spot is loaded. 

Rich  KL7RA     

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