[TRLog] TR 6.59 why "I" to increment??

kl7ra kl7ra@blizzard.gcgo.nasa.gov
Tue, 16 Oct 2001 08:36:23 -0800

>Why this new feature?? 
>Wasn't the Alt-I there already, since years??
>Did I miss something?
>Does this mean I cannot correct the call in the Call Window
>by typing the correct one in the Exchange Window??
>bob, I2WIJ

Hi Bob
As you have to have a space between the serial number and call
this change doesn't stop you from correcting calls in the exchange 
window. It's actually better to not have to use the ALT key as you
can increment with one hand now instead of two. This allows you
to use the other for more important things like eating a doughnut.

73 Rich KL7RA 

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