[TRLog] troubles with "reworking the contest"

BenNW7DX@aol.com BenNW7DX@aol.com
Tue, 18 Sep 2001 02:48:18 EDT

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Hello -
       I used TR for the Salmon run and discovered that it did the mults 
wrong, so I am trying to do the "read" feature, but can not seem to get it 
right.  My file name is SR01.dat and I typed in "TR READ SR01.dat" and 
everything pops up, and it starts redoing the contest, except it is just 
adding on to all of the previous qsos that are in the original log.  How can 
I have the contest rework from the begining, so it doesn't rework right ontop 
of the old qso's?

Ben - NW7DX

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<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><FONT  SIZE=2 FAMILY="SCRIPT" FACE="Comic Sans MS" LANG="0">Hello -
<BR> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I used TR for the Salmon run and discovered that it did the mults wrong, so I am trying to do the "read" feature, but can not seem to get it right. &nbsp;My file name is SR01.dat and I typed in "TR READ SR01.dat" and everything pops up, and it starts redoing the contest, except it is just adding on to all of the previous qsos that are in the original log. &nbsp;How can I have the contest rework from the begining, so it doesn't rework right ontop of the old qso's?


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