[TRLog] TRLog vs XP...Direct I/O the answer?
Martin Kratoska
Martin Kratoska" <marcom@centrum.cz
Fri, 2 Aug 2002 05:12:15 +0200
I did not and doubt it works. We tried the DLPORTIO dynamic library in YPLOG
with disappointing results (on NT based Windows, on direct HW acceess
capable Windows it works), however this is just a dynamic library, not a
piece of software which can be run before TR is fired up. I do not know
other software than some (so called) Windows real time extenders used in
industry control processes. They are tricky to install and use, otherwise
pretty expensive.
Another solution find on my web:
I would be quite interested if any reasonably available real time extender
for NT based Windoze really works.
73 Martin, OK1RR
The difference between theory and practice in theory
is less than the difference between theory and practice in practice.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Brad Johnson" <bradj@arkansas.net>
To: <trlog@contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 10:01 AM
Subject: [TRLog] TRLog vs XP...Direct I/O the answer?
> While searching archives for insight into the TRLog / XP port address
> problems, I came accross a posting by Tree discussing the Direct I/O
> software as a possible solution.
> Has anyone tried the software? Results?
> 73,
> Brad
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