[TRLog] TR Mailing List Users

mwdink@eskimo.com mwdink@eskimo.com
Mon, 12 Aug 2002 12:47:12 -0700

Oh Yuck!

I administer 5 lists on Yahoo.groups. Yes, it's free
but that cost is only worth it for small specific

In return, I am barraged with Yahoo generated spam, the
member administration is a pain, archived messages
are harder to find (no searching function), and that doesn't
count the time the message archive for one of my lists
disappeared for a month.

No thank you. I belong to 4 contesting.com sponsored lists.
My donation is on the way.

dink, n7wa

At 02:15 PM 8/12/2002 -0500, Gil Baron wrote:
The easy and free answer is to move the list to yahoo groups. that is a
better site anyway as it has files and many other things to use. The
downside is you have to subscribe (FREE) and give some personal information.
MANY ham groups are using it and no problem is found of significance.
Another choice (not as good as it is slow on the file part) is qsl.net. It
is free but down ask for a nominal donation of your choice.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: trlog-admin@contesting.com [mailto:trlog-admin@contesting.com]On
> Behalf Of Bill Fisher, W4AN
> Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 1:31 PM
> To: trlog@contesting.com
> Subject: [TRLog] TR Mailing List Users
> Contesting.com & eHam.net Users
> I have been hosting the Contesting.com and eHam.net web sites and mailing
> lists on my network since 1996.  In the beginning, my company (Akorn
> Access) provided the hosting for free.  Since we started the eHam.net web
> site two years ago and began to accept advertising, eHam has been able to
> pay a small amount each month toward the hosting costs.
> Today, eHam.net and Contesting.com steadily consume more than a T-1 of
> bandwidth.  Combined, the two sites deliver well over 4 million pages and
> push more than 200 gigabytes of data each month.  The success of both
> sites and all of the mailing lists are demanding more and redundant
> bandwidth.   However, we face the question of how to pay for it.
> The cost to host this level of bandwidth most anywhere else would exceed
> $2000 per month.  eHam is currently able to contribute  only $250.00 per
> month, leaving Akorn Access out of pocket for at least $23,700 per year.
> In the past, I have been able to cover these costs because Akorn was doing
> well enough in other areas and the utilization was not as high.  With the
> recent slow down in the economy and our changing Internet access business,
> Akorn is unable to continue this level of support.  Additionally, many
> potential advertisers are engrained in their print advertising, and refuse
> to acknowledge the Internet as a viable method of promoting their
> products.  Although we continue to sign up new advertisers, they are not
> coming (and funding the site) at the same rate as the bandwidth
> utilization.
> So, with regret, I'm reluctantly forced to turn to the users of both sites
> for ongoing assistance.
> We have an annual subscription program at eHam.net for users to help pay
> for the site operations.  We don't define the amount of the subscription,
> but rather suggest that each user define for themselves the site's value,
> and consider their own financial ability to subscribe.    We suggest
> comparing how much time you spend reading QST or CQ magazines with how
> much time you spend reading eHam.net, Contesting.com, or the various
> mailing lists when making your decision.
> You can help by subscribing at http://www.eham.net/cart/product/111.  If
> you are unable to contribute by credit card, you can send a check to
> eHam.net, 5095 Hamptons Club Drive, Alpharetta, GA  30004.
> Many thanks & 73
> Bill Fisher, W4AN
> PS - I should also point out that we have many volunteers working on both
> Contesting.com and eHam.net who receive no compensation at all.  These
> folks volunteer their time to provide the rest of us these services.  A
> list of volunteers can be found on both sites, and it would go a long way
> if you would write just one of them expressing your appreciation for their
> time.
> _______________________________________________
> TRLog mailing list
> TRLog@contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/trlog

TRLog mailing list