[TRLog] Farnsworth

Jim Smith jimsmith@shaw.ca
Sat, 07 Dec 2002 17:38:27 -0800

Hi Paul,

That fellow was me.  Farnsworth does work, not the way I thought but the 
way it is described in the manual.  I just didn't read it carefully and 
made an incorrect assumption.  I was straightened out by Udo, DL2ZAV.

This is my current belief as to how it works.  Suppose you set TR to 
send at 18 wpm by means of ALT-S, PgUp, PgDn, or whatever.  This is the 
speed which TR displays on the screen.  No matter what you set the 
Farnsworth Speed to - let's use 25 wpm - TR sends the characters at 18 
wpm.  If this speed is less than the Farnsworth Speed TR lengthens the 
spaces between the characters so the overall speed is now less.  In this 
case, the characters will still be sent at 18 wpm but the spaces between 
the characters will be lengthened.  The greater the difference between 
the speed that you set (18) from the Farnsworth Speed (25) the greater 
will be the lengthening of the spaces.

Try setting the Farnsworth speed to 35 or 40 wpm.  Now try changing TR 
speed using PgUp and PgDn while listening to TR sending CW.  I think 
you'll find that it works as I described.

Let me know what you found.

73 de Jim Smith    VE7FO

Paul Beringer wrote:

>A few days ago, a fellow posted a message regarding Farnsworth code
>generation and his observation that it did not appear to work. I have been
>watching the posts since then hoping someone would explain why. Did I miss
>something? The two logcfg statements are:
>I am using the TR small version that I believe was distributed on Oct 12th.
>73 Paul NG7Z
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