[TRLog] TRLog & serial ports
Sun, 8 Dec 2002 00:19:52 -0600
I bow to all you TRLog/PC gods out there..... hear my case....
Ok i have in interesting dilemma that im sure someone will have a simple =
answer for.
Please do not respond if all you can add is "boot to DOS"....... been =
there done that....=20
I have been running TRLog for years via a DOS window with no problems. =
Unfortunately, that PC upchucked so i built another and loaded/formatted =
the disk with WinME, all exactly like before the crash.
BTW, I use WinTelnetX (K1TTT tnx) to connect to internet cluster and tie =
com3 to com2 to feed spots into TRLog so it thinks it's talking to a =
TNC.... it's a real slick way of getting your spots fed into TRLog from =
the internet. Likely this is suitable only to the casual contester as =
myself, the real serious die hards will probably always run DOS.
But now, everything is toast, since TRLog went deaf on the COM ports, =
and i'm running out of ideas to try....
Running TRLog on WinME, lots of memory lots of cpu, fresh =
machine/disk/install.... =20
standard com ports for 1,2,=20
SIIG PCI serial card for com 3/4
COM1 =3D Radio
COM2 =3D PACKET (via jumper cable to COM3, WinTelnetx to internet)
COM ports have RTS/CTS jumped (just in case, but I havent tried jumping =
DSR/DTR yet)
baud rates/com port settings and TRLog config files as they were on my =
old machine where everything worked Yet on this new machine, TRLog is =
deaf to the COM ports.
When I use Hyperterminal on COM1, i can see all the radio responses... =
tune around and watch the radio spit back fine... all is well
kill hyperterminal, run TRLog.. TRLog cannot see the radio... I setup =
TRLog debugging, and the debug log is zero length indicating squat is =
coming from the radio
TRLog cannot see packet either, strange unprintable characters pop =
out..... like it cant "see" the ports.
so, i assume the same issue is occurring with both ports.... since =
debugging the packet port is a little easier (because i can see it with =
the packet command in trlog) i persue debugging on the packet port.
kill off trlog and the dos window, setup hyperterminal on com2 and com3, =
talks to each other fine..... ports are fine (no handshake, same =
baudrates and stop bit settings etc).
take WinTelnetX out of the picture by using HyperTerminal on COM3 to =
simulate it... still toast....
Now, here is the really strange thing..... bumbled into this by =
trlog running, bring up hyperterminal at the same time on the same com =
port as TRLog, and all of a sudden the radio can be seen, so something =
started working.... =20
HTerm -> Hyterm - all is well
Hterm->TRLog - toast, garble on trlog
hTerm AND TRLOG on same port ->radio - radio is seen
I have spectulated a log on what is going on here, but does anyone have =
an out for this predicament or other debugging hints ?? =20
This is really getting frustrating.... something peculiar about the OS =
environment between the DOS box and true windows app.... but i dont want =
to have to write some code to debug this, it's gotta be something =
ohh.. i have tried uninstalling the SIIG serial controller, no =
i had this setup for years, and now it doesnt work.... arrrrrghhh...=20
likely i have forgotten some magic cookie that is necessary that i did =
on the old box but cant recall=20
now because of BrainFart-Itis......
any help out there ?
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