[TRLog] Ooops

Jim Smith jimsmith@shaw.ca
Mon, 16 Dec 2002 02:48:15 -0800


1.  It may be that TR has saved backups in the directory that was 
current when you messed up the logs.  Look for files of the form plog*.* 
, open them with a text editor, and have a look.

2.  The dates are different for the 2 contests.  While I have a very 
modest amount of computer programming skills, separating the log by date 
into 2 separate logs would not be that difficult.  You probably know 
someone who can do that for you.  If not, send me a copy of the log and 
I'll see what I can do.

I already know who you worked on Dec 14 at 2308.  TU QRZ?

73 de Jim Smith    VE7FO

Donald M. Ross wrote:

>I have made a serious error in my second use of TR in a contest (the first
>being the SS) and I hope that one of you can help me.
>I failed to rename my log from the SS when I went through the POST procedure
>and when I finished the 10m contest, the current log was appended to the end
>of the SS log.  Then when I went through the POST procedure, everything good
>turned bad since the multipliers (and bands) were different.
>Is there a way to separate the logs or is this what my old drill sergeant
>used to call "... a great learning experience..."?
>Don, NL7CO
>TRLog mailing list