[TRLog] List changes

Tree n6tr@dayton.akorn.net
Mon, 25 Feb 2002 20:43:08 -0500

Just a note that the TR Log reflector has been changed over to
a mailman list.  You shouldn't notice any interruption of service.

However, the archives will take some time to sort out.  The old
archives at www.contesting.com/_trlog will continue to be available,
but new messgaes will not appear there.  Eventually, they will all
be moved to the new mailman archives.  

These can be found at http://lists.contesting.com/pipermail/trlog/.

You shoud have received an e-mail message with the instructions on
how to remove yourself from the list or to change your e-mail address
or other perferences.  Please keep this message.

This list now has an automatic removal feature - if your e-mail 
account bounces mail for an extended period of time, you will
automatically be dropped from the list.  It will be necessary
for you to resubscribe to the list.

Also - messages sent from an e-mail address other than the one
you are subscribed will be delayed until I have a change to 
approve it.  This will probably take about 24 hours.

This change is being made to improve security on the server.
Majordomo is no longer being supported at contesting.com.

73 Tree N6TR