[TRLog] Version 6.63 Released

VR2BrettGraham vr2bg@harts.org.hk
Thu, 28 Feb 2002 00:38:18 +0000

>  - Added some more Icom Radios.  Here is a complete list now:
>    IC706, IC706II, IC706IIG, IC707, IC725, IC726, IC728, IC729, IC735,
>    IC736, IC737, IC738, IC746, IC746PRO, IC756, IC756PRO, IC756PROII,
>    IC761, IC765, IC775, IC781.

No more 751?

Plenty of instances of NONCW seen w/6.62 & a 765 here during ARRL DX
CW, but I don't think there was even a single instance where it wasn't
polled again & the correct frequency determined before I logged the Q -
suggesting perhaps extreme RF in shack & recent changes for ICOMs
did the trick.

73, VR2BrettGraham