[TRLog] Mark-V 100%

Alan Clark n5pa@arrl.net
Tue, 4 Jun 2002 13:18:37 -0500

That is the reason I use Windows 98 SE on my PC in the shack, for the DOS
mode.  I own NT, 2000 and XP Professional, but do not use them because all
of the major contest logging packages do not support Windows.  It is a shame
that I have a top of the line computer and have to run 98 on it, but it is
better than 95.  It is just as easy for me to boot into DOS and then key
WIN, but you can do whichever fits your fancy.  You can even get
sophisticated and create a startup menu that let's you boot into either one.
There are many ways to skin the cat.  But, this works for me and my Mark-V.

Alan, N5PA