[TRLog] I Need a Little help...
Tom Hammond NØSS
Tue, 04 Jun 2002 12:15:16 -0500
>Without beating an old horse to death, can someone please direct me to a
>thread that will explain how to send a cabrillo file via email. What I want
>to do is send in my results from a recent contest via email. What file do I
>use and how do I get started? The manual seems to not be very clear as to
>how this should be done. I am sure it's simple but I am new to this
>particular DOS program and it's taking a little time to get up to speed. I am
>looking for a clear A - Z, clear explanation..
It's not quite THAT A-Z clear unless we know what software you're using for
your e-mail client, but here's a generalized response:
1) Create the CABRILLO file and make sure it contains everything you need
to submit.
2) BE SURE to RENAME the file to indicate your call and the contest:
e.g. WA4AOS_FD2002.CBR
this gives the log checkers some heads-up with regars to whom the file is
from and which contest it's for. At the very least, name it with your call.
2) BE SURE you KNOW where the CABRILLO file have been saved...!
3) Start your e-mail client and prepare a short transmittal message to the
log checkers, stating the name of the file you will be sending to them.
4) READ YOUR MANUAL for your e-mail client and find out how to ATTACH a
file to the message, and follow the steps outlined there. When prompted to
provide the name of the file, either type it in (using file drive, path,
and filename) or BROWSE to the file and click on it to attach it to your
5) SEND the message.
Good luck,
Tom Hammond N0SS