[TRLog] Putting in a long T in this statement de G8OO
Juhan Põldvere
Sun, 23 Jun 2002 19:00:33 +0300
At 02:47 23.06.02 -0400, G8OO wrote:
>I am pushed for time would someone modify the statements below to show how to
>set TR up for an extended or long T.
>LEADING ZERO CHARACTER = T ----- extend to long T.
This I can't, and I am even not sure this can be done. You
get either T, O or 0 (Ctrl-J menu or LOGCFG.DAT )
>CQ MEMORY ALTF6 = EU^05 ----- or removed the 0 and putting in a
>long T here
See manual 5.2 PROGRAMMING CW MESSAGES, Table 5.
A "-" sends a dash 50% longer than normal. You could combine this
with Ctrl-F and Ctrl-S for speed-up and down, like
>CQ MEMORY ALTF6 = EU^CtrlFCtrlF-CtrlSCtrlS^5
That's EU^ twice speedup - twice speeddown ^ 5, no spaces.
Juhan ES5QX