[TRLog] Putting in a long T in this statement de G8OO

Larry Tree Tyree N6TR tree@kkn.net
Sun, 23 Jun 2002 08:29:51 -0700

On Sun, Jun 23, 2002 at 08:27:08AM +0100, David W Wood wrote:

> Hello Alan and all
> That below raises a point for which I would like to know the answer.
> In ed.com it was possible to input the speed up and speed down commands
> with
> ctrl-p+f or s as appropriate, and the half space with the right alt key
> and 94, I cant' recall how to input the long T however.
> How are these special characters inputted to notepad.exe or other text
> editors?

It is easy to do with the program using control-p and then control-s/f 
as well.  You just can't do this to the LEADING ZERO CHARACTER parameter.
Instead, let the program using zeros - put the LEADING ZEROS value where
you want it - and use the SHORT INTEGERS feature.

Then edit the values for the short integers in the Alt-P O menu
with the Control-F and Control-S characters.
