W9XT Card w/ TR

Gary Sutcliffe ppvvpp@mixcom.com

At 09:37 AM 11/11/96 -0500, you wrote:
><<Does the board work correctly with the DVRC program?
>Is it possible that you have an LPT at the same address as the Contest Card?
>To be sure, remove the Contest Card, and run the FINDLPTS program that comes
>with the Contest Card software.  It should not identify a printer port at
>that address.
>Do you have any other LPT controlled devices such as a rotor or antenna
>switch?  If so,
>try disabling them one at a time to see if the problem goes away.
>If none of that helps, send me a copy of your TRLOG configuration file for
>me to try.
>Hi Gary,  well I have played some more with it and now I have found that if I
>run the TR DVPTSR and then go to NA and record the messages, then go back to
>TR it will now play F1-F4 correctly.  

You should not be using the TR DVPTSR.  That is for the K1EA DVP.  Set it
the configuration file for using an external voice keyer. You have to set
DVK PORT to either 1 or 2 depending on what address you set the Contest Card
to.  Most of the time it is LPT2.

>The ESC still won't stop the sending
>but no big deal.  It would be nice to do the recording in TR if you want to
>change something during a contest, but I'm sure you and Tree will get that
>worked out soon.

For recording you have two choices until TRLOG handles all the Contest Card

Preferred choice:  Wire up a switch to pins 5 & 6 of the connector.  Use a
push button momentary (Normally Open).  When you want to record, press the
button then press the function key of the message you want to record.
Immediately start talking to record.  Release the button when you finish
your messages.

Alternate choice:  Use the CC-TSR program on top of TRLOG.  I have not heard
of any problems with CC-TSR, but I have a general fear of TSR programs.  You
never know how they will react with other programs.

As far as the ESC working, that is controlled by a bit in the LPT register
that Tree has assigned for controlling external antenna switches.  I will
send some info to him about this. It should not be an impossible fix, since
you would never be trying to control an antenna switch through the Contest
Card.  Any antenna switches would need to be controlled by an LPT at an
other address.

Hope this helps.  73 - Gary

Gary Sutcliffe,  W9XT          Unified Microsystems
ppvvpp@mixcom.com              PO Box 133 Slinger, WI 53086
http://www.qth.com/w9xt     414-644-9036


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