TS 870S

Chris Adams n4vi@diac.com

hi Tree,

I am not yet resubscribed so I can't post to the reflector.

I have had TR for 2 years with 870S, but never hooked it up to computer
due to monitor noise with my main computer.  In contests I always used
it on a old Zenith notebook that the serial ports had been blown out by
lightening strike.

However, in preperation for phone SS I brought home a Toshiba notebook
from work with working serial ports.  last night, w/o even knowing
anything about the present controversy I hooked it up to my TS-870.

(Well I had got it working once before on my desktop PC just to see it

At anyrate, I got TR running on the Toshiba, plugged the cable in and
the frequency was on the TR screen w/o me doing a think.

I tested out bandmap, typing in a frequency and having the radio change
frequencies all without problem.  I also played with the shift key in
search and pounce and with RIT in run mode.  

In S & P, the radio react quickly to pressing of the "shift" keys, but
will tend to keep going after the shift key is released.  I suppose this
effect could be called hysterysis since if you overshoot you have to go
back the opposite direction.

I don't remember having this effect using RIT in the run mode but I
can't be sure (left the Toshiba at work this evening so can't check it

Back to the bandmap for a second, I practiced selecting different
"stations" and the rig promptly moved to the correct frequency,
everything seems to be just fine.

After phone SS, I will be glad to try and check out some other issues
(direct connect via packet) and wire up a cable to send CW as well. 
Perhaps I can duplicate W0MN's problem.  

Feel free to copy this to the reflector, or I should be able to post
tomorrow evening or later this morning (ack, it's too late for this).


chris adams, n4vi

This hystersis problem can be "fixed" by slowing down the rate at
which TR sends the commands.  It appears the 870 can't handle the
commands as quickly as the 850/950's could.

I will put an adjustment in the next release.


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