[TRLog] More Icom Radio Delay

VR2BrettGraham vr2bg@harts.org.hk
Thu, 02 May 2002 02:18:51 +0000

It has been so long since I used Brand-C with an ICOM - does it allow you to
set the "transceive" switch on interface module?  If so, then radio will 
output data on where it is after the operator has spun the dial, which combined
with Brand-C using IRQs, means program can react reasonably quickly.

TR ignores IRQs & simply polls.  There will be some delay compared to Brand-C.
I would expect that delay to increase if the "transceive" dip switch has 
been set,
as TR can't talk to the radio unless the radio isn't talking (ICOM's CI-V 
has TXD &
RXD on the same line).

I use an IC-765 as radio #2 & find that TR's response to changes in radio 
doesn't hinder my use of it for S&P.  Nor do I find a significant 
difference S&Ping
with an MP on radio #1 as compared to the 765.  And I find the operator remains
the slowest bit of the overall system when loading or refreshing the 
bandmap whilst
S&Ping on either radio.

I did find response times a little annoying back when I had my computer 
to S56A's Chrysler on-line - a COMPAQ Deskpro 386/25.  Even dedicated to 
with just DOS 6.22, DESQview & DVPTSR, two radios & a packet port started to
become noticeable as I got better with TR & more aggressive with S&Ping.  A 
low end Pentium solved that.  Hopefully W9RE might find something to tweak from
my experience - there's simply no way Brand-C can be better than TR!  ;^)

73, VR2BrettGraham