[TRLog] Kenwood TS-2000 freq display not working with TR

George & Tammy Perkins gperkins@tampabay.rr.com
Thu, 2 May 2002 17:38:01 -0400


Anyone else using a Kenwood TS-2000 with TR?

I have both a TS-2000 and a TS-440.

The band change sense/mode change sense and frequency display
all work on the TS-440 but do not work on my TS-2000.

everything else seems to work.  TR will cause the TS-2000 to=20
change bands/modes, but will not sense them.

I suspect the problem is in the use of the AutoInformation command
"AI;" when sent to the rigs.  On my TS-440 the correct parameter is
"AI0;" to turn it off and "AI1;" to turn it on.  On the TS-2000 there
are now four modes according to the manual, however, only=20
two of the four modes actually work. =20

AI0; turns auto information off
AI1; is supposed to turn on OLD format
AI2; is supposed to turn on Extended behavior
AI3; is supposed to do both

In reality, I have noticed with a terminal program (HyperTerm) that
only AI0 and AI2 work.  All other commands return the error
condition "?;"

If I initiate an AI2; command, I do indeed get auto information from
the TS-2000, but does TRLog know to do this?  If TRLog is using
an AI1; then I suspect that is the source of my problem...

Can anyone confirm this behavior on their own TS-2000?  Or perhaps
it is my TS-2000 only that behaves this way...

Like I said, My TS-440 works great with TR...

Thanks for considering this information...

George - Ku3o

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