[TRLog] Rigblaster

Jim Smith jimsmith@shaw.ca
Sun, 12 May 2002 21:07:17 -0700

I run SBDVP with TR just fine without special boxes and without 
isolating transformers.  I do have to be a little careful how I route 
the audio leads though.  Mike to Mic IN (not Line In as I discovered 
half way through a contest) and Line Out to rig.  

73 de Jim Smith    VE7FO

Pete Smith wrote:

> I agree with Barry on this, though there's some question whether you 
> need the rigBlaster if you invest in a couple of isolation 
> transformers and cable the computer directly to the radio or SO2R 
> box.  The main utility of the RigBlaster, IMO, is to let people use 
> serial port PTT control; if you already have a PTT interface for 
> TRLog, SBDVP lets you use it directly, with no additional hardware 
> required.
> Incidentally, quite by accident I found out that for SBDVP not all 
> sound cards are created equal, even if they both say they are SB-16s.  
> The SB-16 ISA card in one of my computers has quite a bit of white 
> noise on the microphone input, while the other one (which I plan to 
> dedicate to use with TR) has on-board SB-16 audio and the mike input 
> has no audible background noise.  The audio quality of messages 
> recorded with it is indistingishable from live, to my ear at least.
> 73, Pete N4ZR
> Check out the World HF
> Contest Station Database at
> www.pvrc.org