[TRLog] TR version 6.71 lessons...
Ronald Rossi
Sun, 03 Nov 2002 16:45:19 -0500
The release of version 6.71 was much more eventful than I had hoped! I
made a few last minute changes and allowed an inexcusable number of
gnats to tag along. My attempts to quickly turn around fixes, while well
intentioned, only made matters worse. To quote a colleague at IBM who I
respect greatly "we don't want to appear to be drunk and disorderly".
Well I appeared that way. This reflects poorly on myself but more
importantly poorly on TRLog, Tree, and the rest of the TRLog team.
TRLog is a very complex program and very few of us exercise all its
various features. In my zeal to release I did not test things thoroughly
enough, nor did I allow the beta testers adequate time to evaluate the
new code. I had imposed artificial pressure on myself to get a release
out 1) because there had been no new release since early July; 2) there
were and are lots of useful features and improvements pending; 3) the
new contest season is already here and I had been hoping to release
radio interface improvements in September!
To reign in my zeal I am imposing on myself a more strict regime to
determine the fitness of new code for release. No improvement is worth
rushing. I will expand the use of beta testers to verify the code. Early
beta test will continue to focus on the new features and improvements,
but will not be limited to that scope. I will more concisely identify
interim beta versions to the beta testers. I will also allow adequate
time for feedback from the beta testers. Most importantly prior to each
release I will run through a methodical checklist of features ensuring
they operate as intended.
If you are a TRLog subscriber or life member and are interested in being
a beta tester I will surely consider your help. Send me an e-mail
outlining your TR experience, station set-up, etc. Folks using RTTY,
Icom, varieties of SO2R, varieties of DVP, and varieties of DVK are
needed. I spent most of my Saturday SS time fixing the problems with
6.71 and working to corral the Icom quirkiness. So I continue to be hot
on the trail and would like help this week and next to get 6.71 polished
into the next version for SS Phone if possible.
Thanks for your continued support!
73 es God Bless de KK1L...ron (kk1l@arrl.net) <><
QTH: Jericho, Vermont
My page: http://www.qsl.net/kk1l