[TRLog] 6.71b es IC-765 freq from kbd

K4BEV@aol.com K4BEV@aol.com
Mon, 4 Nov 2002 08:33:23 EST

Hi all,

Occasionally I could change frequencies from the keyboard, usually I 
This has always worked before. Is this a 6.71b problem, or could something be 
wrong with this old radio?
Also: If I tried to get something from the bandmap the call selected would go 
into the Call Window, but the radio NEVER changes frequency.
       I just fired up the radio and TR; I can now change frequencies from 
the computer about 8 out of 10 times. Yesterday it was more like 2 out of 10. 
Wierd! If I'm on 80 I can type in 3850 and the radio goes to 3850. If I'm not 
on 80 I have to type in 03850 or it won't work; on the other hand I can type 
in 1850 while on any other band and it goes right to 1850. Bandmap is still 
not working.

I run TR full screen in a DOS window under Win-95. NO other problems. Even 
the clock was dead on at the end of SSCW; Auto S&P is also working as always.

Take care & 73,
Don - K4BEV

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