Antwort: Re: [TRLog] Cabrillo Question.
Mon, 18 Nov 2002 16:19:08 +0100 schrieb: -----

I had the same problem in CQP with TRLog 6.70. You have no choice but to
the changes. Even more important in SS than in CQP because of the serial
number importance.

I used an editor on the CBR file and just replaced all the frequency
with the QSO number.


It should not be necessary to do this by hand with an editor. Call post.exe
on your log.dat, select L(ogs) C(reate), answer No to 'Separate...?' and
'Accumulate..?', but Yes to 'Renumber...?', exit post, rename log.dat to
logfreq.dat, rename lallboth.dat to log.dat, call post.exe again and create
Cabrillo file.

73, Udo, dl2zav