[TRLog] Cabrillo Question, Frequency vs. Serial #'s

W1HIJCW@aol.com W1HIJCW@aol.com
Mon, 18 Nov 2002 10:29:48 EST

In a message dated 11/18/02 06:46:49 Pacific Standard Time, 
00tlzivney@bsu.edu writes:

> There is a TRLog POST command that does this 
> for you.
 Terry, Thanks, I assume you mean the option under "Create Final Logs" which 
allows for renumbering QSO's?

What always puzzled me is that TR apparently doesn't pick up the frequency 
and put it in the "freq" columns of the cabrillo record (col 6 through 10 for 
SS) and still put a serial number in the "nr" columns (42 through 45). At 
least in 6.70 (and earlier versions I've used), the frequency columns are 
always something like "21000" as an indication of band.

Is this maybe yet another "upgrade request"?

73 de Bill, W1HIJ/6
(W6UFT in CQP and SS)

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