[TRLog] Missing multiplier screen

Mike Gilmer, N2MG n2mg@eham.net
Tue, 26 Nov 2002 06:50:44 -0500

VE7FO wrote:
> On a happier note, while trying this I discovered the CTRL-O command.
>  Had I used this during WW I might have got KH6 on more than one band.
>  Duhh!

I found this quite by accident.  Overhearing a sked being made, I decided to
read the manual and learn how to to get TR to make a sked.  Eventually, I
learned it was called a "reminder", not "sked" or "schedule",  and that
ALT-O was the enabler.  Then, while fooling around (the reminder's syntax
takes some getting used to) , I accidentally hit CTRL-O and voila.  I think
this is a very useful implementation as it only shows one the mults that
that have been worked on 4 or 5 bands - IOW, these mults are active.  In one
place, the manual calls this "missing multipliers".

Now...is there a companion "missing zones"?  It was a pain to see where I
needed zone 2 or zone 12...

Mike N2MG