[TRLog] trmaster.dta & wildcards ?

Mike Gilmer, N2MG n2mg@eham.net
Tue, 26 Nov 2002 15:12:31 -0400

You cannot even enter the * in the log - try it - nothing happens when 
you type it.

As far as the ? goes, that seems to work as I expect in TR.  Your 
example is a bit flawed however.  If JA1BCD is in the database, JA?BCD 
will find it.  ?ABC would not (you'd need a ? between the A and B)

Mike N2MG

The following message was sent by "Dominik Bugmann" <hb9czf@swiss-artg.ch> on Tue, 26 Nov 2002 17:51:27 +0100.

> For the first time I used the TRMASTER database and I was impressed how many
> times the caller was in there. One little thing I couldn't figure out was:
> Are "?" and "*" not supported? I was on 40m and a weak JA called. e.g.
> "JA?BCD" would help or if I enter "ABC" not only the calls with "ABC" in the
> suffix would be listed but also my "JA1BCD".
> Is this feature implemented (couldn't find it in the manual) or did I
> misconfigure trlog?
> BTW, I was running 6.69 and booted from a Win98-recovery disc (hi).
> 73 de Dominik, HB9CZF