[TRLog] trmaster.dta

Mike Gilmer, N2MG n2mg@eham.net
Tue, 26 Nov 2002 14:53:18 -0400

The master callsign database is now maintained by K8CC and K9TM


Note: I cannot find a link there from the TR website - though there 
should be.

Mike N2MG

The following message was sent by "jim funk" <jfunk@adams.net> on Tue, 26 Nov 2002 12:14:47 -0600.

> Where may one find an updated trmaster.dta file?  Is there a good way to
> copy it to multiple floppies in order to move it to an older machine?  Dumb
> questions, probably, but it's a Tuesday....
> Tnx and 73, Jim N9JF