[TRLog] Re: tr 6.72 beta 27nov02...

K2ONP@aol.com K2ONP@aol.com
Fri, 29 Nov 2002 11:41:20 EST

I have had a chance to play a bit more with the beta version.  Several 
additional problems, in addition to the ones mentioned by Rich and Bernie.

1) The '765 also shows the same problem that was mentioned of when you switch 
frequencies, it always selects narrow cw filter on.  On cw, the radio will 
qsy to a new qrg when you type in frequency in the call field, but always 
with the narrow filter selected.  On CW, split mode and point and shoot work 
flawlessly except for the problem with the narrow filter selection.  However, 
on SSB, since the '765 has no narrow ssb filter to select, the radio won't 
qsy at all when you type in a frequency in the call field.

2) The DVK (W9XT card) does not work.