[TRLog] Re: tr 6.72 beta 29nov02...

K2ONP@aol.com K2ONP@aol.com
Sat, 30 Nov 2002 10:01:31 EST

Hi Ron,

1) Frequency control for the IC-765 now works fine for SSB.  It also works 
for CW with the major exception of the filter switch to wide position.  On 
CW, the radio reverts back to wide filters which for me is a real problem. On 
CW, I run 99.9%  in narrow position, and I would have to constantly switchin 
the narrow filter every time I grabbed a spot. On SSB, since there is no 
choice of narrow filter with the '765, your fix works.  Is it possible, in 
the case of the '765,  to program commands separately for SSB versus CW?  
This would be an acceptable alternative.

2) The DVK issue is also very important.  I'm running a W9XT card.  It 
partially works in the beta version I have been using regularly (TR671BETA 
10/2/02).  That is to say, the playback function works, but I have to record 
messages off line since the record function is inoperative).  In this beta 
(tr 6.72 beta 29nov02) as well as last beta I tested (Tr672exe_27NOV02), I 
can't even play back messages that were previously recorded. 
