[TRLog] SO2R and DVK...

KL7RA kl7ra@blizzard.gcgo.nasa.gov
Wed, 30 Oct 2002 15:33:40 -0900

The reason I want to insert PTT before the ssb message 
goes out is to prevent hot switching on my homebrew 160 
amp. Also sb220 owners may have the problem. 

Past practice is to step on the footswitch then push F1.

It just occurred to me that all you have to do is delay speaking
for an instant when you start the recording. 

I guess sometimes I make things too hard.

Rich KL7RA

ps anyway the up/down still seems backwards to me.  


>>I'm posting this to the list in case the problem is cockpit error.
>>Perhaps there is some parameter I am setting incorrectly which is
>>causing this behavior.
>Yo Kirk
>It's probably because TRLog has no idea how long the message is.
>Also TRLog doesn't turn on PTT when using DVK for the same 
>reason. I suggested at one time for TRLog to insert PTT before the
>DVK pulse. Then take it away as the DVK PTT will hold till the end.
>My error is always hitting the wrong PGup/dwn to increase/decrease
>time. Seems backwards to me, at least late in the contest when I'm tired.
>73 Rich KL7RA
>-----Original Message-----
>From: K4RO Kirk Pickering <k4ro@k4ro.net>
>To: trlog@contesting.com <trlog@contesting.com>
>Date: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 2:47 PM
>Subject: Re: [TRLog] SO2R and DVK...
>>I use a K1EA DVP with a Top Ten DX Doubler, and it works fine.
>>The only issue I can think of right now is that the Auto-CQ
>>"listening time between repeats" parameter is different for 
>>CW & SSB.  This is true regardless of the number of radios.
>>It seems like on CW, the value indicates actual listening time.
>>On SSB, the value indicates time betweeen the start of the repeat.
>>While subtle, these times are quite different in practice.  This is
>>not a big deal at all IMHO, but it would be nice if the behavior
>>was the same on both modes.
>>I'm posting this to the list in case the problem is cockpit error.
>>Perhaps there is some parameter I am setting incorrectly which is
>>causing this behavior.
>>-Kirk  K4RO
>>On Wed, Oct 30, 2002 at 11:40:37AM -0500, Ron D. Rossi wrote:
>>> Folks,
>>> I am looking for feedback from users who are using and external DVK to send 
>>> voice messages while doing SO2R. I am doing some work with the code and am 
>>> wondering if this has been working for anyone and what experiences you have 
>>> had with TR controlling the DVK while running SO2R.
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