[TRLog] SO2R and DVK...

K4RO Kirk Pickering k4ro@k4ro.net
Thu, 31 Oct 2002 01:23:06 -0600

Hey Rich,

I suspect you're right about the Auto-CQ DVP timing issue.
However, I my PTT seems to be working fine.  Perhaps this
is a difference between DVP and DVK?  I do not need to use
VOX on phone with the DVP.  I do set PTT ENABLE = TRUE to
key the amp ahead of the radio.

> My error is always hitting the wrong PGup/dwn to increase/decrease
> time. Seems backwards to me, at least late in the contest when I'm tired.

I always do that too.  I'm sure the poor soul who answered me
at 15 WPM doesn't like to hear me crank the exchange speed UP!
That mad dash to PgDn always wakes me up though. :-)

-Kirk  K4RO