[Trlog] Watching an old friend slowly die

Michael Tope W4EF at dellroy.com
Thu Feb 20 19:05:50 EST 2003

I have two computers here in the shack. A really fast Windows XP machine
for general use (greyline programs, general logging, email, web browsing,
 and work related stuff) and an old P-133 with Windows 98 for running
TRlog (I boot it into DOS from a floppy for TRlog). I use a KVM switch to
quickly swap between the two computers (hit <ctrl> key twice). Seems
like a good compromise as I really love TRlog for contesting. I also put
a big hardrive in the P-133 so I have some place to backup the important
files from the XP machine. Most of the time (unless there is a conest) I
don't even turn on the P-133.

73 de Mike, W4EF..................................................

----- Original Message -----
From: <K3BU at aol.com>
To: <trlog at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 5:02 PM
Subject: Re: [Trlog] Watching an old friend slowly die

> In a message dated 2/20/03 7:43:16 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> k2av at contesting.com writes:
> >
> >  I'm losing an old friend. And I don't want to.
> >
> >  Does anybody care?
> >
> >  Should I just give up and move on?
> >
> >  73, Guy
> >  K2AV
> >
> Same feeling here. As the hardware "matures" away from serial ports, the
> widens. Sure there is bunch of old clunkers around to run DOS, but it is
> to be able to use some of the bells and whistles that windows provide,
> running grey line, recording, etc. USB to RS232 utility would sure help.
> I am looking at the windows programs too and will have to make a decision
> or when to jump.
> Yuri
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