[Trlog] TR alwasy turns off the RIT on the 1000MP

Pete Smith n4zr at contesting.com
Sun Feb 23 13:42:29 EST 2003

At 12:38 PM 2/23/03 -0500, Guy Olinger, K2AV wrote:
>If I twiddle the knob and nothing happens, even in stupid mode, I can
>figure out how to hit the button, right underneath.
>Why would you want IT on when you change bands?

In fairness, I think this may be a Yaesu quirk rather than something TR 
does.  The TR/MP combination also turns off the RIT if you enter a 
frequency like 000 in the call window to move back to the bottom of the band.

When I'm running, I always want RIT on.  I embed the clarifier clear 
character in the appropriate CW messages, including the CQ and QSL 
messages.  At least on the Mark 5, twiddling the RIT knob causes the offset 
display to change, whether or not the receive frequency does.  If nobody's 
in the passband, it may not always be obvious that the receive frequency 
isn't changing.  When I'm in stupid mode, the absence of those little red 
flags above the offset frequency is always the LAST thing I notice.

73, Pete N4ZR

73, Pete N4ZR
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