[TRLog] Re: TRLog digest, Vol 1 #265 - 11 msgs

J. Edward (Ed) Muns w0yk@msn.com
Sun, 12 Jan 2003 17:36:49 -0800

Thanks, Richard.  Comments below ...

> -----Original Message-----
> From: trlog-admin@contesting.com [mailto:trlog-admin@contesting.com]On
> Behalf Of Richard Ferch
> Sent: Sunday, January 12, 2003 2:01 PM
> To: trlog@contesting.com
> Subject: [TRLog] Re: TRLog digest, Vol 1 #265 - 11 msgs
> Hi Ed & Frank,
> Not quite, Ed. I used the line
> vO = VO1, VO2, NF, NL, LAB
> in my .dom file, and everything looked fine during the contest,
> but after a
> post on ve3_contest from Bob VE3KZ, I checked and lo and behold,
> TR 6.70 and
> Post 6.67 did not give me any multiplier credit for my QSOs with Frank. I
> think that to catch all the possible variants, that line should read:
> vO1 = VO1, VO2, NF, NL, LB, LAB
> I just edited that line in my file and during the multiplier
> check this time
> Post found the missing multipliers and corrected my score (upwards, for a
> change!). I haven't tried this yet with Post 6.72a, but I suspect that the
> change from vO to vO1 will probably fix the problems K5NZ noted as well.

I used

vO = VO, NF, NL, LAB, LB

in my naqp.dom file and TR 6.72 worked just fine, logging VO1 and VO2 as vO
in the multiplier field and counting the VO mult only once per band.

To be sure, I went down to the shack computer just now and ran a dummy NAQP
test and all combinations of VO1 and VO2 worked fine and the mults were
handled properly with the vO line above.  The mult was shown in the log as
vO and POST (6.72A, because the 6.72 version didn't work) properly counted
all the vO mults.  I don't see why it wouldn't work for you.  Essentially,
you are saying that the multiplier needs a numeral in it, but none of the US
states have a numeral.  I don't know if mixing different versions of TR and
POST is OK, but it should be.  Your experience sounds like a different
naqp.dom file was used by your POST 6.67 compared to what was used by TR
6.70 to log the contact.  Maybe Ron can guess, or know, how this could

Did TR show, and count, the VO1 mult OK?  So it was just POST 6.67 that
didn't count it?

> As a side rhetorical point, I understand that every contest organizer has
> their own reasons for choosing multipliers and for changing them from time
> to time. Nevertheless the variety for domestic mults is something
> of a minor
> mystery - off the top, I can think of MDC vs. MD and DC; KL7 and KH6
> considered domestic vs. DX; VO1/VO2 together (NL) vs. separate
> (NF and LB);
> VY1/VE8/VY0 together vs. separate (YT/NT/NU); and of course MAR
> as in SS vs.
> VE9/VE1/VY2 separate (NB/NS/PE) most everywhere else (this last
> one is just
> the flip side of all those states that are divided into multiple sections
> for SS). It's no wonder we're always confused about .dom files!

I was going to make the exact same comment and forgot.  So, I absolutely
agree with you.  I can't keep track of these mults anymore, so I just
consult the rules carefully whenever I want to know.

I do think that the TR method of handling *.dom files covers all the cases
and is easy enough to edit and maintain.  For example, I prefer to see the
VE mults separate from the US mults on the screen, so I move the VE mult
block to the end of my *.dom files.  That way they appear at the end of the
domestic mult listing on the screen.  I'd like to figure out how to force a
CR so that the VE mults are all on the last line.

> 73,
> Rich VE3IAY
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