Wa3aan at aol.com Wa3aan@aol.com
Mon Jan 20 14:59:27 EST 2003

To the powers that be .... Please fix or elliminate the HA-DX logging portion 
of TRlog -- Scoring is Wrong (same DXCC country and same continent  Q's  
count 1 point not 0) ... In this contest, mults can be either a two letter 
Dom OR a 1,2 or 3 digit number .... The program only excepted numbers as 
serial # entries. The numerical mults were not counted at all .... 

One fix, is to have the program realize that any number copied after an HA  
callsign will be a mult ... Then in Post make sure that the Dom letters and 
mult numbers are added together for the total mult count....

This year I used Trlog for the contest, did extra typing on each entry and 
completely hand scored the final .... I'm hoping I don't end up in the 
Checklog list like last year .... 


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