[Trlog] How to set TR for 1-run/1-SP

Tack Kumagai je1cka at nal.go.jp
Thu Jul 3 16:46:55 EDT 2003

In message "Re: [Trlog] How to set TR for 1-run/1-SP"
    on 03/07/03, VR2BrettGraham <vr2bg at harts.org.hk> writes:

: Really, it sounded like you were transmitting on two bands simultaneously
: to me.  My friend was over at the time & he thinks the same, too - we switched
: one radio between two frequencies & each time we changed, there you were
: CQing, so you must have had two transmitters going at the same time!  ;^)

May many stations felt like that.

: Dualing-CQ is a great way to really milk two bands when rates on either one
: are a bit low, but it's easy to get comments like this:
: NK6T-@ 21033.0 JE1CKA poor op. big mouth 0530 21 Jun 2003

Well, I DID NOT run dualiing CQ at that time and I worked only 
EUs on 21MHz with very low rate. So I beleve my beam was pointed 
to EU and could not hear weak W6. 

QSO: 21000 CW 2003-06-21 0512 JT1DA         599 39
QSO: 21000 CW 2003-06-21 0516 BX4AF         599 51
QSO: 21000 CW 2003-06-21 0522 UA3TU         599 52
QSO: 28000 CW 2003-06-21 0535 RW0LIA        599 44
QSO: 21000 CW 2003-06-21 0551 US7IGF        599 26
QSO: 21000 CW 2003-06-21 0551 RU4PU         599 30

Because of my set up. I could run dual-CQ only on 21/14 or 21/7 

: I think the two are mutually exclusive (the name "dualing-CQ" sorta suggests
: no S&Ping to begin with).
: Either you do ^- & run the two bands, or you simply CQ on one & S&P the other
: using Alt-D.

Yes, I know. I was afraid to be in dual-CQ mode without experience. 
So I tried to make CQ on A and SP on B but I could not find Alt-D at 
that time. The rate was low enough so I did ^- and learned what the 
Dual-CQ mode was. And these were the result.

QSO: 21000 CW 2003-06-21 0640 RU3ZV         599 31
QSO: 21000 CW 2003-06-21 0641 HA8VK         599 55
QSO: 14000 CW 2003-06-21 0642 SP3HUU        599 51
QSO: 21000 CW 2003-06-21 0643 RA4HW         599 54
QSO: 21000 CW 2003-06-21 0646 HA0IV         599 54
QSO: 21000 CW 2003-06-21 0647 UK/JI2MED     599 34
QSO: 14000 CW 2003-06-21 0650 LT1F          599 44
QSO: 21000 CW 2003-06-21 0653 UY0CA         599 34
QSO: 14000 CW 2003-06-21 0656 UA0IV         599 39
QSO: 21000 CW 2003-06-21 0657 RX9LW         599 52
QSO: 21000 CW 2003-06-21 0659 YO8KOS        599 50

Anyway, this was my first experience and I'll be more carefull 
with dual-CQ mode.
	Tack Kumagai JE1CKA/KH0AM
	JE1CKA <je1cka at jzap.com>

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