[Trlog] TR Log PTT for SSB Help Please

G0MIC at aol.com G0MIC at aol.com
Thu Jul 3 10:39:05 EDT 2003

I have a TS2000 interfaced to my computer so that TR will switch both PTT and 
Key for CW which works fine. If I use F10 the rig is switched into TX mode 
and sends CW only when I actually press a key. This shows that the interface is 

When in SSB mode I want to send pre-recorded messages from the Digital 
Unit (DRU) in the TS2000.  I can get the function keys to key the DRU into 
playing by using SRS=PB1; as the function key message  (SRS=PB0; truncates 

My problem is that the TS2000 does not automatically go into transmit mode 
when the DRU is playing. I have to use either a separate PTT switch or the vox 
facility which is cumbersome.  Are there commands that I can put into the same 
function key message to get TR to turn the PTT line on and off?

I am currently using 6.72 but will install the upgrade on my contest machine 
after the coming VHF contest where I will be working G5RS/P on 6 metres SSB on 
5th July.

As an aside the Auto CQ function does not work in this mode either but I can 
make do in the next 23cms contest by using a nodding duck!

Thanks for a great program


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