[Trlog] Version 6.73 Problem?

George Fremin III geoiii at kkn.net
Wed Jul 23 00:08:39 EDT 2003

On Tue, Jul 22, 2003 at 08:35:51PM -0400, Bob Wanderer wrote:

> an IARU headquarters station was being worked.  (I noticed
> that if the callsign of an IARU headquarters station that I
> had worked previously on another or the same band was
> entered into the callsign window from the bandmap (as I was
> S&P'ing), the IARU ID (e.g. veron) would appear.  However,
> if I manually entered the call and hit the spacebar or
> enter, the zone would appear in the exchange window.  Also,
> the zone would not disappear as I entered the IARU ID so I
> had to edit the log.  When I did so, the "are you sure?"
> window did not appear, although it did when I edited a
> callsign.)  Insofar as the zone versus IARU ID issue is
> concerned, one other user indicated that it had happened to
> him.

The IARU.DOM file is very new to TR-Log.  
I suspect that the behavior that you are expecting
ie. the auto filling in of the IARU ID was nto programmed 
into the program or if it was it is not working correctly.

The initial exchange in the IARU contest is based 
on the callsign of the station.

The IARU Id are counted as mults and do not have to be 
in the IARU.DOM file to be counted as mults - ie. you can 
enter GEORGE as the exchange and you will get mult credit for
it and the QSO will then count 1 point.

I think the only real thing the IARU.DOM file adds to TR-Log is 
the ability to have a check off list of IARU mults on the 
screen.  You can swap between the zone mult list and the IARU 
mult list with the ALT-G command.

With respect to IARU mults - there seems to be several new 
ones coming on each year in this contest so limiting them to
a list might be hard as I am not sure anyone can create an
accurate list - I could be wrong.

I have never found this to be a problem in all the years I have
been doing this contest with TR-Log.  I can not say that he IARU 
check off list was that big a deal either but it was nice to 
look at a few times.   

George Fremin III - K5TR
geoiii at kkn.net

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