[Trlog] How to Select Any Combination of MkV Filters From Within TRLog

Jim Smith jimsmith at shaw.ca
Tue Mar 18 01:49:20 EST 2003

Tuesday, March 18, 2003 00:42

;  This contents of this file will enable you to select, while running 
;    combination of MkV filters which you have installed.  Sort of like 
;    MPFilters except that it will work in a DOS environment, including 
one which
;    doesn't do windows.

;  There's a bit of other stuff here as well which may be of use. 

;  To try this out:
;  1.  Copy this entire file into the directory from which you will be 
activating TR.
;  2.  Open the logcfg.dat file and add to the end of it with a text 
editor the line
;        INPUT COMMAND FILE = COMMANDS.ICF.  (This presumes you have 
already set up a
;        log in this directory.)
;  3.  Save the file.
;  4.  Start TR
;        All the commands below will now be programmed into the CQ CW 
memories shown.
;        Use ALT-P C to view the memory contents.  You should see all 
sorts of strange
;        characters including SRS1=
;  5.  Try them out.

;  To actually use them:
;  1.  Copy and paste the commands you are interested in to the 
logcfg.dat file where
;        you want to use them.
;  2.  Change the Function key assignments to suit yourself.


;  The function keys used were chosen for testing convenience.  Change 
them to suit
;    yourself.

;  Similarly, for testing convenience, only the CQ CW messages were 
used.  If your rig
;    is not in CW mode or TR is in S&P mode, the function keys won't 
seem to work. 
;    That's because the codes are in the CQ CW memories and, when in S&P 
mode, the
;    function keys send the contents of the EX CW memories, none of 
which have been
;    programmed here.  Similarly, if your rig is not in CW mode the 
function keys send
;    the contents of the CQ SSB memories, none of which have been 
programmed here.

;  VFO A refers to the Main Receiver
;  VFO B refers to the Sub-Receiver

;  To test whether the MkV CAT programming codes are correct I wrote a 
little program
;    to send codes directly to the MkV (TR not running) as there are 
many, many errors
;    in the manual regarding CAT codes.  Thanks to Earl, K6SE, and 
Steve, AI7W, we now
;    have the correct codes.  I have tested them on my MkV and they 
work.  However,
;    they don't all work from TR.  Those cases have been noted below.



;  Dual On - works on my MkV   
CQ CW MEMORY AltF1 = <03>SRS1=xxx<01><83><04>

;  Dual Off - works on my MkV  
CQ CW MEMORY AltF2 = <03>SRS1=xxx<00><83><04>


;  Copy A VFO to B - works on my MkV 
CQ CW MEMORY AltF3 = <03>SRS1=xxxx<85><04>

;  Copy B VFO to A - works on my MkV
;    Swaps VFOs then copies A to B
CQ CW MEMORY AltF4 = <03>SRS1=xxx<01><05><04> <03>SRS1=xxxx<85><04>

;  Watch out.  If in the CTRL-J menu you have AUTO S&P ENABLE = TRUE 
then copying
;    B VFO to A will probably switch TR into S&P mode.  At this point, 
none of the
;    function keys will seem to work for the reason given above.  Hit 
ESC to switch
;    back to CQ mode and all should be fine.


;  Here are the codes for the VFO A (Main Rx) 8.2 MHz IF filters, 
including the ones
;    I don't have.

;  THRU - doesn't seem to do anything on my MkV. 
;    I know the codes are correct because they work with the program I 
;    See note marked ** at bottom for a possible reason why they don't work.
;    I didn't assign a CTRL-F Key because I needed them all for the 
other codes
;  CQ CW MEMORY ControlXX = <03>SRS1=<01>xx<04><8C><04>

; 2.4 kHz - works on my MkV 
CQ CW MEMORY ControlF1 = <03>SRS1=<01>xx<00><8C><04>

; 2.0 kHz - selects 2.4 kHz as no 2.0 installed 
CQ CW MEMORY ControlF2 = <03>SRS1=<01>xx<01><8C><04>

; 500  Hz - works on my MkV 
CQ CW MEMORY ControlF3 = <03>SRS1=<01>xx<02><8C><04>

; 250  Hz - works on my MkV 
CQ CW MEMORY ControlF4 = <03>SRS1=<01>xx<03><8C><04>

;  And for the VFO A (Main Rx) 455 kHz IF, including the ones I don't have.

;  6.0 kHz - doesn't seem to do anything on my MkV.  The codes are correct.
;    Same comments as 8.2 MHz THRU filter 
;  CQ CW MEMORY ControlXX = <03>SRS1=<02>xx<04><8C><04>

;  2.4 kHz - works on my MkV
CQ CW MEMORY ControlF5 = <03>SRS1=<02>xx<00><8C><04>

;  2.0 kHz - works on my MkV 
CQ CW MEMORY ControlF6 = <03>SRS1=<02>xx<01><8C><04>

;  500  Hz - selects 2.0 kHz as no 500 installed 
CQ CW MEMORY ControlF7 = <03>SRS1=<02>xx<02><8C><04>

;  250  Hz - selects 2.0 kHz as no 250 installed 
CQ CW MEMORY ControlF8 = <03>SRS1=<02>xx<03><8C><04>

;  To set both 8.2 Mhz and 455 kHz IFs to the same bandwidth for the VFO 
A (Main Rx)

;  THRU/6.0 kHz - doesn't seem to do anything on my MkV.  The codes are 
;    Same comments as 8.2 MHz THRU filter 
;  CQ CW MEMORY ControlXX = <03>SRS1=<02>xx<04><8C><04>

;  2.4 kHz - works on my MkV
CQ CW MEMORY ControlF9 = <03>SRS1=<00>xx<00><8C><04>

;  2.0 kHz - works on my MkV 
CQ CW MEMORY ControlF10 = <03>SRS1=<00>xx<01><8C><04>

;  500  Hz - works on my MkV 
CQ CW MEMORY ControlF11 = <03>SRS1=<00>xx<02><8C><04>

;  250  Hz - works on my MkV 
CQ CW MEMORY ControlF12 = <03>SRS1=<00>xx<03><8C><04>

;  WARNING - Control F11 and F12 may not work.  If they don't, in the 
CTRL-J menu
;    set "USE BIOS KEY CALLS" to FALSE.  This may or may not slow down 
your computer.
;    If it does and it's a problem, you will have to set it back to TRUE 
and forego
;    the use of F11 and F12.

;  NOTE - If you do ALT-P C you will see messages for F1 to F10.  If you 
now do
;    CTRL-F1 you will see messages for CTRL-F1 to CTRL-F10.  This 
doesn't mean that
;    the CTRL-F11 and CTRL-F12 keys don't work.  Instead of doing 
;    and you will see the message stored in CTRL-F11.  Similarly for 

;  And for the B VFO (Sub Rx)

;  6.0 kHz - works on my MkV 
CQ CW MEMORY AltF5 = <03>SRS1=<00>xx<84><8C><04>

;  2.4 kHz - works on my MkV 
CQ CW MEMORY AltF6 = <03>SRS1=<00>xx<80><8C><04>

;  500  Hz - works on my MkV
CQ CW MEMORY AltF7 = <03>SRS1=<00>xx<82><8C><04>

;  LOCK/UNLOCK - these don't work from TR.  They do work from my program.

;  Lock A - doesn't seem to do anything on my MkV **
CQ CW MEMORY AltF8 = <03>SRS1=xxx<01><04><04>

;  Unlock A - doesn't seem to do anything on my MkV **
CQ CW MEMORY AltF9 = <03>SRS1=xxx<00><04><04>

;  Lock B - doesn't seem to do anything on my MkV **
CQ CW MEMORY AltF8 = <03>SRS1=xxx<81><04><04>

;  Unlock B - doesn't seem to do anything on my MkV **
CQ CW MEMORY AltF9 = <03>SRS1=xxx<80><04><04>


;  ** It appears that any code string containing <04> won't work because 
TR uses CTRL-D
;    to mark the end of a hex code string.  CTRL-D is hex 04 so, when TR 
sees an <04>
;    it appears to decide that that's the end of the string and the 
remaining hex
;    characters aren't recognized.

;  END

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