[Trlog] While Everyone's Gone...

Dale L Martin kg5u at hal-pc.org
Sun Nov 2 11:31:29 EST 2003

While running tr678, everything is/was working great.

I noticed a so far one time occurrence:  I called a station in S&P mode.  He
sent his report, I hit Enter and sent mine.

There was his logged entry qso#311.

But, QSO number 311 was still in the box next to the callsign field.

I dummied his info into the call and exchange boxes and hit return.  Nothing
was sent out, but the q was logged as a dupe (zero pointer) and as 311 --
making 2 311's in the log.

The next qso number was up in the box where and as it should be.

I deleted the 'duped' log entry.

Everything has been fine since....in that regard.

I did get a NONCW QSO entry into the log field.  I don't know how that
happened.  It is the first one and it was about QSO number 400 or more.  I
changed it to 15CW and everything was fine since....

Now, where'd all the signals go?  Did the contest end?

dale, kg5u

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