[Trlog] more irritating behavior

Dave Hachadorian k6ll at juno.com
Mon Nov 3 09:53:17 EST 2003

A couple more irritating things happened
during SS.

I like to use the TS-850's in CW REVERSE,
where it is easy to tune the band from top
to bottom, and the left shift key makes
the cw tone go lower, and the right one
makes it go higher. TR kept putting the
one or both radios in CW NORMAL.

If needed, I can experiment with the SS setup
to develop some more specific conditions.

Also, I had dupes turned off in the bandmap,
so, toward the end of the contest there were
few stations displayed. If I tried to delete
the last entry in the bandmap, I got a message
saying that "There is nothing to display!", and
then the TS-850 went bonkers, changing bands,
modes, and ended in SSB SPLIT! I quickly learned
not to delete this final entry. 

Dave Hachadorian, K6LL
Yuma, AZ

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