[Trlog] Lost Dupesheet (version 6.78)

Ken Warren ad4os at mynra.com
Tue Nov 4 09:56:14 EST 2003

I saw something similar on 6.78. The window normally would show if 
the station was listed at the bottom in the black and red text 
bar. The bar always said "no stations listed". Eventhough, this 
quit working it still told me it was a dupe if I tried to work him 
so I did not bet as far as a b4 response.


---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Igor Sokolov" <ua9cdc at r66.ru>
Date:  Tue, 4 Nov 2003 13:49:15 +0500

>Noticed that same problem during CQWW. It has started with the 
>versions (6.75 I think). It only happens when you close down TR 
and then
>start it again. The cure I found is to start TRwith rescore 
option. Then it
>is back to normal. Has somesing to do with restart.bin update I 
>73, Igor UA9CDC
>> On Mon, Nov 03, 2003 at 10:45:40PM -0800, Michael Tope wrote:
>> > Anyone have trouble with Trlog's dupe checking function in
>> > SS. At W6UE we had two PC's connected in a multiport
>> > network for SS. On Sunday afternoon on one of the two
>> > computers (the IBM Aptiva) stopped finding dupes as if the
>> > program lost its internal dupesheet. Mike, KA6SAR first
>> > noticed it when he started getting "QSO B4" replies from
>> > all of the callsigns on the bandmap that appeared to be
>> > "fresh meat" (e.g. no asterisks in front of the callsign). As
>> > soon as he realized what was going on (and mumbling
>> > something about using CT instead of TRlog), he started
>> > using alt-L (log search) to dupe calls, and sure enough it
>> > became clear that the program wasn't duping properly.
>> > The other computer in our two computer multi-port network
>> > (our Dell P-133) was still tracking dupes just fine.
>> Any idea what the free memory display was showing on that
>> computer?  I haven't seen this problem before.
>> > I don't know if it was a coincidence, but the IBM Aptiva
>> > with the duping problem also seemed to be having
>> > trouble handling all the activity on the multi-port. At times
>> > the keyboard latency got so bad that it was almost
>> > impossible to edit in the exchange window (at these
>> > times it would take a few seconds between a key press
>> > and the corresponding call/exchange window update).
>> > This PC was getting its packet feeds over the multi-port
>> > from the other logging computer which was in-turn
>> > connected to our Telnet computer using the Trlog
>> > packet port function.
>> The network really shouldn't have anything to do with keyboard
>> latency.  This is probably more related to not using a disk
>> cache and the longer write times to the disk as the log grew.
>> Tree
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