[Trlog] send cq on inactive radio - ssb

Dave Hachadorian k6ll at juno.com
Fri Nov 14 23:37:55 EST 2003

I rummaged through the archives on the inactive
radio problem I reported previously, and I came up with
the msg below. Maybe this function has been broken
for a long time. Oh well, it's only a ssb contest. 
Back to 6.61 for tomorrow, if I can find it. Will
report if it solves problem.

>From the archives:
Subject:  [Trlog] v6.72 send msg on inactive radio not working 
From:  k6ll at juno.com (Dave Hachadorian) 
Date:  Fri Jan 31 13:37:36 2003 

I was setting up v 6.72 for the ssb sprint, and I noticed
that my "send cq on inactive radio" message is being sent
instead to the active radio.

I switched to v6.61, which is close to what I used
last year, and it works fine.

Dave Hachadorian, K6LL
Yuma, AZ


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