[Trlog] Add-on serial ports

Mike Brown k9mi at arrl.net
Wed Nov 19 23:23:45 EST 2003

Tim, I have a Byte Runner card I've had for a few
years that works great with TR. It's PCI and has
2 serial ports and one parallel. It came with a disk
that has a German program on it that you setup for
use with Dos. It loads what it calls "virtual"  ports,
and you see it load at startup (on my old P 120
Dos 6.22 machine). I don't usually use packet in a
contest, so all I really needed were serial port for
rig control, and either use my serial interface for
cw keying, or the parallel port interface. I have
not had any problems, but I have heard that Byte
Runner has excellent customer support.

73 - Mike K9MI

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gennett, Timothy" <tgennett at purdue.edu>
To: <trlog at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2003 18:18 PM
Subject: [Trlog] Add-on serial ports

I have been trying to get an add-on PCI serial card to work
under DOS.

The card is a SIIG CyberSerial Dual port card.

DOS recognizes the card, and I can use the card under DOS (or a
DOS Window) to key the rig for CW.  But, it will not control the
rig (read frequency, etc.) Works FB under Windows 98 with other
logging software.

Is there something obvious I am missing?

There was a recent thread here concerning the SBDVP program, and
a comment that SBDVP and TR would not work with a PCI sound
card.  Had to be ICA.  Could there be a similar issue with a PCI
serial card?  Can anyone recommend a PCI serial card that is
known to work?

73 de Tim, K9WX
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