[Trlog] TR 6.74 Aug 31

Udo DL2ZAV dl2zav at gmx.de
Thu Sep 18 21:52:19 EDT 2003

Hi Mike, 

[Mike Wetzel, 17 Sep 2003:]
> First the WAE, I just sent my .CBR file in and I noticed that the
> "claimed score" in the .CBR file was very low, most probably due to
> the fact that it did not seem to count 'QTC's".  I didn't catch this
> item in my CW log but it was also not the correct score.

I think the Cabrillo routine just calculates points * multipliers and 
does not care for the additional factor that weights multipliers 
depending on band (which is unique to the WAE).

POST R S does it correctly, so you can just generate a summary 
sheet file, look up your claimed score there, and put it into your 
.CBR log.

73, Udo
d l 2 z a v (at) d a r c . d e   [de,eo,en]

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