[Trlog] TR w/Icom 765 - Receiver Address (fwd)

Eric Hilding dx35 at hilding.com
Sat Jan 3 05:41:34 EST 2004

Many TNX to all who have replied including directly.  And...

Igor - UA9CDC kindly responded:

>Here is my example:
>radio one type = IC765
>radio one receiver address = 44
>radio one control port = serial 1
>radio one baud rate = 1200
>As you see you also need to supply radio one baud rate if it is different
>from 4800 which is TR log default. Check to what baud rate your radio is
>73, Igor UA9CDC

Tnx, Igor.  You are my 1st "UA" QSO via a Reflector.  Please QSL, OM.  :-) 
:-) :-)

73 & HNY...

Rick, K6VVA

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