[Trlog] Another Alt-D Bug

Steve London n2ic at arrl.net
Sun Jan 11 22:02:45 EST 2004

Yes, I also see the "flickering gibberish" in the right hand corner.

A few other problems:

- The display of bandmap calls in the call window as you tune across the
frequency of bandmap call is erratic.  Sometimes the calls don't appear in
the call window.  I see this most often as I tune up the band.  If I change
direction and tune down the band, the calls start to appear again, even when
I start tuning up the band.  I had the same problem using 6.79 in CQWW CW
using a different radio.

- Using a TS-950SDX, hitting both of the shift keys to clear the RIT while
transmitting does not work reliably.  Hitting either shift key individually
works fine.

I wonder if I'm hitting the wall with my ancient 25 MHz 486 and the changes
in TRLog ?  Never had these problems in 6.69 and earlier (and didn't try
6.70-6.78).  (Side note: I love my old 486.  It has lots of serial and
parallel ports, is relatively immune to RF, and works great with <= 6.69).

Steve, N2IC

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Bailey" <kd4d at comcast.net>
To: <trlog at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2004 6:15 PM
Subject: [Trlog] Another Alt-D Bug

> Hello, all:
> During the NAQP, I had problems with the QSO and MULTS needed by band
> displays.  Basically, if I did an Alt-D check on a duplicate call, the
> needed
> by band entries blanked out (showing I didn't need any mults on any band).
> I also
> noted that there was some "flickering gibberish" in the upper left hand
> corner.  This
> lasted until I did an ALT-D dupe check on a non-duplicate call.
> This caused me to not move a couple of mults (LA and AR if I recall
> correctly :-)).
> I rely on the MULTS NEEDED display constantly in a contest like NAQP.  Did
> anyone else notice this?
> 73,
> Mark, KD4D
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