[Trlog] Another Alt-D Bug

K4RO Kirk Pickering k4ro at k4ro.net
Sun Jan 11 12:29:38 EST 2004

I have experienced erratic behavior in the mult window 
since 6.73 in July.  Here is my first post on the problem:


I did not have the problem in the CW NAQP, and the only
thing I changed was adding ICOM RESPONSE TIMEOUT and
ICOM COMMAND PAUSE lines suggested by W9RE in this post:


I wonder if the two issues are related?

-Kirk  K4RO

KD4D wrote:
> During the NAQP, I had problems with the QSO and MULTS needed by
> band displays.  Basically, if I did an Alt-D check on a duplicate
> call, the MULT needed by band entries blanked out (showing I didn't
> need any mults on any band). I also noted that there was some
> "flickering gibberish" in the upper left hand corner.  This
> lasted until I did an ALT-D dupe check on a non-duplicate call.

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