[Trlog] Rookie questions

Mark Bailey kd4d at comcast.net
Mon Jan 12 18:19:51 EST 2004

Hi Fred:

You can change that filename.  The only one I'm not sure of is the CQ
ALTF3 one, which is used in two radio mode.

Yes, you can put one in the QSL message.  I didn't try the "Quick QSL",
so I can't comment on that.

I've attached my logcfg.dat from last year's sweepstakes.  I had the two
stuff working pretty well with this.  Hope it helps.


Mark, KD4D

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Fred Jensen" <k6dgw at foothill.net>
To: "TR-Log Reflector" <trlog at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2004 5:54 PM
Subject: [Trlog] Rookie questions

> I've used TR for several years, but have never used the DVK features.  I
> finally got a very old & cheap soundblaster to work in my 486SX/33
> logging computer under real DOS 6.2 using SBDVP.  Now I have a couple of
> TR configuration questions:
> 1.  I used the line CQ MEMORY - CQF1.DVP, it accepts it and it works.
> Is the filename really necessary?  Can it be something other than
> "CQFx"?
> 2.  Can I put a filename into the QSL MESSAGE line so that it will send
> the file when I press Enter to log the Q?
> 3.  I tried putting a filename in the QUICK QSL MESSAGE = line, however
> it didn't seem to work.  Is there a way to have a second QSL message
> that will get sent AND log the Q?
> Ok, that's 3 questions, not a couple.  I could spend a couple of days
> and try all the combinations, but TR has soooo many options, I thought
> it best to just tap the real source of info.  Given that these are
> really rookie questions, to make more Internet bandwidth available for
> all the spam I get, possibly only a reply from one of the "TR Staff"
> would be appropriate.
> 73,
> Fred K6DGW
> Auburn CA CM98
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